NOW: Residency at la Becque, La tour de Peilz, Switzerland

NOW: Residencyat la Becque, La tour de Peilz, Switzerland

Ni drame Ni suspense

Friche la Belle de Mai,
Marseille (FR)

Curation: Triangle–Astérides:
Marie de Gaulejac,
Florence Gosset,
Victorine Grataloup
et Camille Ramanana Rahary
Text: Victorine Grataloup
Photo: Aurélien Mole

Hanna Rochereau's paintings focus on display and enhancement devices, often in fashion, but here in museums: the diptych represents the scenography designed by architect Lina Bo Bardi for the MASP in Sao Paulo, Brazil. Two quadrilaterals represent the paintings to be displayed, sublimating the concrete and glass easels on which Hanna Rochereau affixes seductive star shapes reminiscent of the formal vocabulary of cheap commercial labelling.

Fifteen artists with a wide range of practices and aesthetics are brought together in the exhibition Ni drame ni suspense – les conditions de la durée: what they have in common is a workspace, the Ateliers de la Ville de Marseille. The Triangle Astérides art center accompanies them there, following their research and questions - from the most theoretical to the most everyday and material. An "activity anchored in the folds of the present, always to be remade", which invites us to consider artistic production and works not from the angle of innovation or rupture, but by paying attention to the "gigantic work of continuity". This transfer of attention is the one proposed by sociologists Jérôme Denis and David Pontille in Le soin des choses (Paris, éditions La Découverte, 2022), the book under whose aegis the exhibition is placed.
