SOON: 01.08.2024, Everthing not saved will be lost, La Fonda, Biarritz

SOON: 01.08.2024, Everthing not saved will be lost, La Fonda, Biarritz

Ni drame ni suspense    23.06.23–24.09.23   Friche la Belle de Mai, Marseille (FR)

[...] Hanna Rochereau's paintings focus on display and enhancement devices, often in fashion, but here in museums: the diptych represents the scenography designed by architect Lina Bo Bardi for the MASP in Sao Paulo, Brazil. Two quadrilaterals represent the paintings to be displayed, sublimating the concrete and glass easels on which Hanna Rochereau affixes seductive star shapes reminiscent of the formal vocabulary of cheap commercial labelling. See more +   

Curation: Triangle–Astréides (Marie de Gaulejac, Florence Gosset, Victorine Grataloup et Camille Ramanana Rahary)    Text: Victorine Grataloup  Photo: Aurélien Mole

Riding the bliss    18.03.23–23.04.23    La Traverse, Marseille (FR)

[...] PRÉSENTATION: Et puis, en fait, introductions, adresses, syntaxes, codes, citations, références populaires, gifs, plateformes: ce ne sont qu’emballages. Alors je savoure le bonbon, le crépitement brillant qui le précède, le jeu du chat et de la souris, la préparation et le trash talk sans fin pour un combat de 2 minutes, le jeu de l’entertainment, du cadeau et de sa dissimulation, contenu, contenant, l’amant et l’être aimé, un peu bouffant, un peu bouffé, chatoyant, choyé. Et si il n’y avait que ça? Circuits longs de plus en plus courts, babines, salives, réflexes, récompenses. See more +

Curation: Catherine Bastide    Photo: Jean-Christophe Lett

Keeping Up Appearances    01–18.12.22    Lokal Int, Bienne (CH)

[...] In an overall, times seem to collapse. While the injunction «keep up appearances» evokes the merciless rhythm of consumption and its social pressure, the patching of various eras of interiors, styles and references layered by the very personal spectrum of the artist’s envies and desires give the feeling of an anachronistic compilation. The feeling of time are shuffled once again by the slow-process of painting that certainly operate as a catharsis. The artistic process being way longer than the one of the commercial purchase provide a kind of reverse chronology. Hanna reinvent the idea of possession that can no longer be dealt with impersonal currencies but need to be owned first: desiring the desire. Keep up with appearances is no longer a threat, and the rules of the visual merchandising are no longer «what you see is what you get». It tells us instead that we do desire, we can then see. See more +

Curation: Héloïse Chassepot    Photo: Stefania Carlotti

Shifters   17.10.22–05.11.22    Sentiment, Paris (FR/CH) The new age soundtrack in the downstairs waiting hall at Orly does little to ease the shock. I stroll past carousels of perfume stock, to get distracted and waste time. The overall vibe gives me nothing to hold onto, remaining as transitory as its location. “Eternity” “Fahrenheit” “Poison” “Knowing” “Ma liberté”. I embalm myself. The word perfume comes from the Latin word “fumus” meaning “smoke” probably related to incense burned into the air in the moment of prayer. With the invention of toilet spray waters, came restoration, from energies lost in business, social and domestic situations. One of the first perfumes in Europe, “Hungary Water” was named after the so-called Queen of Hungary who commanded a court alchemist to make it for her headaches. But, the legend says she never existed, she was invented. See more +
Curation: Sentiment   Photo: Jean Vincent Simonet

Wishlist    20.11.2021–10.01.2022    13 Vitrine, Lausanne (CH)
In the fashion issues dedicated to the festive season, the editors take on the ambitious task of compiling the many original and expensive products that make up the famous Christmas wishlist, inviting their readers to do the same. The desire to buy handbags, shoes, scarves and jewelry is mixed, often in a subtle way, with the frustration of not being able to acquire the object of one's desire. See more +
Curation: 13 Vitrine    Photo: Stefania Carlotti